Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye 2013...HELLO 2014!!!!

I absolutely LOVE the start of new years!  I love the clean slate, the endless possibilities and most of all, I love making resolutions!  As I was ending 2011 I had prayed for the Lord to give me a word to focus on for the upcoming year and He gave me "JOY" and it was awesome!  I hung cute little decorative things around my house with the word on it and it served as a reminder to focus on finding JOY in every situation.  For some reason I didn't ask for a word for 2013 but I wanted to go into this coming year with a focus so for the past few weeks I've been asking the Lord for a word.  Several different ones floated around my brain: grace (LOVE THAT), fruit (I've been studying the fruit of the Spirit), blessed, gentleness and finally the Lord shouted the word to me...INTENTIONAL!  For the past year I've said MANY times that I feel like I'm on auto-pilot, just doing what I need to do to make it through each day.  I haven't done as many projects with the kids that I used to or craft as much as I used to or gone on as many outtings as we used to among a bunch of other things.  Even in my Scentsy business I've just been skating by, not putting in much effort.  I want to focus on living INTENTIONALLY in 2014!  So with that said, here are some of my resolutions:

Spiritual Resolutions:
*Continue to try to spend daily time in the Word
*Aim to go to church more often (Being married to an unbeliever who HATES going to church with me makes Sunday mornings a major battle in my mind about wanting to be with my husband but also wanting to dig into the Word with my church family.  The last 6 months of the year I've probably missed more than I attended and that makes me sad!)

Marriage Resolutions:
*Spend more focused quality time with hubby
*Continue to work on submission--specifically in the area of spending $
*Add more fun

Parenting Resolutions:
*Dig into the Word with my kids daily
*Do more crafts/projects with the kids (at least once a week)
*Spend more time outside together
*Keep the tv off during the day

Business Resolutions:
*Be more proactive in filling up my party calendar
*Mail out cards to my downline for birthdays and Scentsy Anniversaries
*Schedule monthly meetings & offer monthly incentives
*Set a sales goal every month

Friendship Resolutions:
*Make more time for friends (schedule more girls nights and hanging out w/ kids)
*Invite friends over at least once a month for dinner & games (this will be so much easier once we buy a bigger house which is on our "to do" list for 2014 *squeal*)
*Be better at remembering birthdays

Those are most of my goals for 2014 and as you can see they all require being INTENTIONAL!!!  I'm super duper duper excited for this new year and I know the Lord has some pretty awesome things planned for us!  HAPPY NEW YEAR FRIENDS!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Christina, i want to let you know that is one of the words my favorite. "Word" teachers have spoken for christains in the new year. What they are saying is to be intentional in givimg more, stretchimg out our borders more, lovimg more, get rid of bad thinking and replace it with scripture more.I want to add praying for each other more and for the persecuted church. May your 2014 be intentional. I dont know how to sart a blog but one of things I like is that you jave started with an intentional list. I need to do that as well.
