Thursday, June 20, 2013

Never thought I'd be THAT girl!

Thanks to Pinterest (which I'm totally addicted to) I've been doing things I never thought I'd making my own laundry soap!  Talk about feeling domesticated!  LOL!  I've made two batches of liquid laundry soap (which totals 20 gallons) but I haven't felt like it's gotten our clothes as clean as I'd like so today I went out and bought all the stuff to try the powder detergent and I'm SUPER excited about it!  Who in the world gets excited about laundry soap?!?!  ME!  :)

I got this recipe from the blog: BeingCreativeToKeepMySanity (click on the link to be taken to her post) and I added 2 bottles of Gain scented laundry beads just because I'm a freak about wanting my clothes to smell good! 

At Walmart all I could find for Oxi-Clean was a 3 lb bucket or a 1.8 lb bucket so I just went with 3 lbs even though the other blogger suggested 3.5 lbs.  I bought the jar new today as well as the measuring spoons so my total today was around $35.  Next time I won't have to buy the jar & spoons so that will save me $14.  

I even got my son to help me!  :)  He grated most of the 3 bars of Fels-Naptha for me!  What a little stud he is!  We have a rule in our house that the tv is off from 9am-5pm so by offering to let him watch tv while he grated, there was no complaining whatsoever!  LOL!

This recipe FILLED the pretty jar!

All I have to use is 1-2 tbsp. in each load so this bad boy is gonna last me a LONG time!


  1. I made some too! Well, recently. I think I am going to try a liquid one next time and add some essential oil for smell, because I really missed good smelling laundry

    1. You'll have to tell me how it works with the essential oil! I had just been adding a cap full of Scentsy Washer Whiffs or Downy Unstoppables!

  2. I made the liquid for years and felt like our clothes weren't getting clean enough and were getting dingy. Let me know how the powdered works I might try that one.

  3. I'm curious to hear how well it works. I love the jar. You are awesome! :)

  4. I've got my first load in the washer as I type! :) I'll keep you ladies posted!

  5. How do you like the powder detergent? I have been making the liquid for a over a year now and have been thinking of trying the powder! :)

    1. I prefer this powder recipe over the liquid recipe! We've been using it for 7 months now and I see a huge difference in how clean our clothes are getting! When we used the liquid detergent I noticed my hubby's undershirts started to look yellowy and dingy but since we've started using this recipe they're white again and staying white! WOO HOO!

  6. Would sure like to hear how you like it!

    1. I LOVE it!!!! It smells awesome, lasts a SUPER long time (It took me 7 months to use up this batch) and keeps our clothes bright and clean! The liquid recipe we used didn't keep the clothes looking clean. My husband's white under shirts started getting yellowy but after making the switch to this recipe, they're white and bright and I love it! :)

  7. Hi Christina, when you made the batch, did you add the Gain fragrant crystals that are on the pic? Or did you add that to each load of laundry as you washed it? I was just wondering if you did, if it worked in making the laundry smell good. I make liquid soap & I have been very happy with it, but I miss the scent. I have tried essential oils & they help some, but they aren't cheap. Thanks for your time! :)

  8. So I made this and it smell awesome adding the shredded soap and OxyClean. I made enough in a 5 gallon bucket but as I was mixing, I felt like the powder was somehow obsorbing the humidity from the air. I closed up the bucket and came back an hour later to smell my handy work again and sure enough, the powder was getting HARD. Double checked the next day and the detergent is hard as a brick. I will chip away at it and eventually use it all but I'm not sure what went wrong.
